This new site will allow me to pretty much put anything I can come up with into one spot, whether that is Bird Watching Items or Dog Lover Shirts
They all can go in one spot! Speaking of Birds and Dogs, check out a couple of the designs:
This shirt can be found here: Dachshunds Are Family
This is a shirt for the Great Backyard Bird Count held every year! I will post once the 2008 design is up and done.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is a really cool idea where people just go out one weekend and count all the birds and what kind of birds they see in their backyard. Everyone should take part! Make sure you have the right gear though. ;)
You can find this shirt and many more designs here: Tons of Bird Designs!
Anyway feel free to check back here now forever, as I intend to post here almost every day for now on. :D Don't forget to visit Daffy Shirts!!