Ok I have managed to update the Canada, Albania and the Jamaica sections. I like them all but especially like the Jamaica black t-shirt. Once people see it, I think it will sell well. In the past I have done pretty well selling the Canada and the Jamaica products. Haven't had so much business for Albania....but I am sure the internet is heading that direction. :D
Here are some fun facts about Canada:
SUMMER in CANADA is when it stops snowing and there it's called JULY!
Canadian bacon is called BACK BACON because it's BACON sent BACK from AMERICAN factories because it LOOKS FUNNY!
CANADA is entirely made of SNOW and ROAD SAND!
There is a SECRET STRIP MINE in NEW BRUNSWICK that was dug to MINE FISH! When it failed, the GOVERNMENT in ONTARIO pretended that it was a city named MONCTON! Amazingly, MOST CANADIANS believe that this "city" named "Moncton" actually exists!
Contrary to popular American belief, today nearly 3 out of 10 Canadian households have WORKING TOILETS!
Ok ok...so I am not sure those are really facts...but they were fun. :)
Here is a fun fact about Albania:
In Albania, nodding the head means no, and shaking the head means yes
That's actually all I could find with a quick search. Interesting though!
Fun facts about Jamaica:
The Coconut Palm is not native to Jamaica or the West Indies. Surprisingly nor are sugar cane, bananas, mangoes, breadfruit or bamboo. They were all brought to the island at various stages in its history. The original Arawak inhabitants lived mainly on corn, fish and yams.
Wow...who knew?!?! :)
Remember, you can find all of these flags and many more on shirts, stickers, magnets and a lot of other items at http://cafepress.com/allflags